

时间: 2018/07/01

        Published in Aiton: Hortus Kewensis ed. 2, 5: 198. 1813. Basionym is Satyrium repens Linnaeus 1753, published in Species Plantarum 2: 945. 1753.

        Goodyera repens is widespread in the Minshan and also common in Huanglong where it grows usually in moss in open shade of forest and dense scrub but in the Huanglong valley also in brighter conditions in open scrub. The altitude range in the park is from 2300-3500 m. The plant forms tiny leaf rosettes close to the ground with a diameter of 3.5-5 cm, often occurring in more or less dense groups. The leaves are usually intensively marked with whitish- green lines and stripes and they are persisting during the winter. The flower stems are 6-12 cm tall and carry 4-16 pure white flowers of 4-5 mm diameter.


        小斑叶兰广泛分布于四川岷山以及黄龙保护区,通常生长在海拔2300-3500米的林中或者茂密灌丛中的苔藓丛中,但在黄龙沟小斑叶兰也可生长在开阔灌丛中。小斑叶兰的叶片很小,形成直径一般为3.5-5厘米的莲座状,贴生地表,通常在生长繁茂的群体中莲座状叶更明显。叶片上通常具白绿相间的条纹,即便是在冬季小斑叶兰也能生长得很好。小斑叶兰植株高一般为6-12厘米, 总状花序, 花4-16朵,纯白色,花的直径通常是4-5毫米。花期:7-8月。

