

时间: 2018/07/19

         Publishedin Feddes Repertitorium Specierum Novarum Regni Vegetabilis, Beihefte, Band 4, Orchideologiae Sino-Japonicae Prodomus: 57. 1919.
        A synonym is Epipactis helleborine var. tangutica (Schlechter) S.C. Chen & G.H. Zhu, published in Novon 13(4): 423. 2003.

         When Rudolf Schlechter published this species in 1919, he wrote that it reminded him of Epipactis microphylla Swartz, 1800. Xingqi (Sing-Chi) Chen and Guanghua Zhu reduced E. tangutica to a variety of E. helleborine. However, it seems reasonable to uphold species status for E. tangutica due to the constant morphological and floral differences. E. tangutica has smaller flowers, a narrower lip with a whitish front lobe (epichile) and dark green basal part (hypochile), usually only two fully developed small leaves, carries only 2- 10 flowers and is a small plant usually not exceeding a height of 30 cm. E. helleborine, which has several large leaves, up to 40 reddish tinted flowers with a blackish inner hypochile and reaches a height of 60-100 cm, has not been found yet in Huanglong, although it occurs in the Minshan. E. tangutica can be found in various areas in the Minshan and is not uncommon in Huanglong National Park where it grows in more or less shady sites in woodland and scrub at altitudes between 1900-3200 m. The plant is 20-40 cm high and the flowers have a diameter of 1.2-1.6 cm.

         Flowering: late June-July.

        鲁道夫· 施勒希特1919年发表唐古特火烧兰时就提到,这个种与小叶火烧兰Epipactis microphylla Swartz , 1800有些相似之处。而陈心启和朱光华在2003年则把唐古特火烧兰降为小花火烧兰E. Helleborine的一个变种。根据稳定的形态和花的差异,似乎唐古特火烧兰应该保留为种级地位。唐古特火烧兰花很小,唇瓣比较狭窄,唇瓣前端(上唇)有略带白色的裂片,唇瓣下部(后唇)暗绿色,通常只有两枚完全叶,花序上有2-10朵花,植株较矮小通常不超过30厘米。而小花火烧兰有多枚较大的叶,花序上花朵数目可达40朵,花浅红色,唇瓣基部(后唇)内面为浅黑色,小花火烧兰一般高60-100厘米。小花火烧兰在岷山有分布,但在黄龙却没有。唐古特火烧兰在岷山的各种生态环境中均有分布,在黄龙国家公园生长也很普遍。主要生长在海拔为1900-3200米多少有些荫蔽的林地及灌木丛中。 植株高20-40厘米,花直径1.2-1.6厘米。

